With all of these Cyber Security Certificates – I actually don’t necessarily know how to hack. While hack is kind of ambiguous term – I wanted to show my journey as I go through and learn the tools and process when it comes to “hacking”. I’m not necessarily self-compelled to learn how to hack. I wanted to learn when I was younger, but really didn’t pursue it too much. I did, however, learn how to use Linux quite a bit – since I first used Linux back in 2011ish. That’s a story for another day. First thing’s first – how should I learn?
I’m going to layout my goals here – this is coming from somewhat of an IT background, so I can kind of put my prejudices of what hacking is here:
[ ] Learn the hacking process
[ ] Learn the tools.
[ ] Get more familiar with Linux shell
[ ] Get more familiar with Power Shell (Windows!? Yuck!)
[ ] Privilege Escalation
[ ] Learn SQL Injection
Ok – so I think I got some good points there. My thoughts are – technically I can do with experience and what little spare time that I have. I just need to learn the concepts of everything. I took an intro course to penetration testing during my college time, I vaguely am familiar with the hacking process. But I need to refine that – because I’m starting my journey of a Mr. H4ck3r Man.

HackTheBox / HackTheBox Academy
So since I have a student email, I figured I’d leverage that to use HackTheBox academy, it’s 8 dollars a month for students, which is great – because the next price point is like 18 dollars. I’m a poor man – so 8 dollars is about half the price I pay for Netflix.
So word of advice – if you have a student account – register HackTheBox Academy with student account.
Now – I already have an account with HackTheBox – but I never used it, it looks like it’s a bunch of capture the flag machines, so I’ll go over there when I’m feeling more confident.